RG Jones Director Andrew Williamson becomes a Liveryman of The Worshipful Company of Water Conservators.
Having become a Freeman of the City, Andrew returned for his due ceremony to be ‘robed’ and admitted as a full Liveryman. He is now free to take a full part in the affairs of the Company including Common Hall, the congregations at which Livery Company affairs are deliberated. Andrew is also our Royal Warrant Holder Grantee and will now be actively working to promote awareness of the science, art and practice of water and environmental management spanning all areas of responsbility including the Water Conservators Company, the strict requirements laid down by the Royal Warrant Holders Association and RG Jones own CSR Policy. Andrew hopes to play an informative role to the Government, the City and the public about the many and important ways that water affects our lives.
Founded as a Guild in 1988 and achieving full livery status in 2000, the Water Conservators in order of precedence is the 102nd Livery Company in the City of London. The Company is passionate about sustaining and conserving the public requirements of clean water, both for domestic and industrial purposes and focuses on water and related environmental matters at the heart of some of the most important issues facing the world today.
RG Jones is very proud to celebrate this great honour with him.
Category: General News