TEDx: Simon Says… The Sound of Silence
TEDx: Simon Says… The Sound of Silence
Mixing Technology, Entertainment and Design, in a talk that successfully reaches all audience abilities, Simon shares his extraordinary take on “all things sound” … from Pavarotti to fish.
TED was founded 31 years ago by architect and graphic designer Richard Saul Wurman who basically set out to throw the worlds best dinner party by inviting thought leaders to share their “ideas worth spreading”…
TEDx is a series of individually organised live events in locations all over the world and RG Jones alumni @rickyspiers is the brains behind #TEDxSevenoaks They partnered up with us here at RG Jones and we provided audio-visual equipment to support “our Si” to #riseabovethenoise
Images credit of @photographybysimonfinley
“In a live situation, you have one chance to get it right”
Category: General News